Finally the warm weather is here to stay, so we thought of organizing activities to get out of the house!

When landing in a new country it’s hard to develop new relationships and most people don’t know where to start. Even if you have been living in Canada for quite some time, or all your life, it’s always refreshing to meet new people. Your personal network is not just the people you meet through work, but also the people with whom you interact in casual settings.

We would like to help this process by offering some informal activities that are fun and easy to join during the Spring & Summer.

Last Saturday May 26th, a few volunteers and members went to Ontario Place‘s Cinesphere and Trillium Park, making the most of Doors Open Toronto, a weekend where you can explore many of Toronto’s buildings for free. Participants had a great time chatting, taking photos and getting to know each other.

In June we’ll have two activities (click on the images to see the details).

You’re all invited! Please fill out the form at the end of this post so that we can get organized.

June 9, 10am: Yoga in the Park

June 15, 4:30pm: Improving your Elevator Pitch over coffee or ice cream!

You can sign up by completing this Registration Form.

And in early July we’ll have a picnic/potluck in a park – Stay tuned for more information!

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