As a new immigrant, you need to take good care of yourself
In this page we’re introducing some resources that will help you keep good health, physically and mentally.
Mental Health
- Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre – Resources for Newcomers
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Self-assessment: Mental Health Meter
- Self-assessment: What’s your Stress Index?
- Quiz: Work-Life Balance
- Where to find help
- Interim Federal Health Program for Refugees
- Canadian Living Articles: Mental Health in Canada
- Webinar: Stress, the Brain & Mental Health Hygiene by Mental Health Commission
- Have THAT Talk by Ottawa Public Health
- YouTube Channel
- Below we share one of their videos on How to Talk about Mental Health
- Ontario’s page on Health has multiple resources
Physical Health
- Healthcare in Canada
- Canada’s Food Guide
- Healthy Living Resources
- Vaccination
- Violence and Abuse
- Article: Nine healthy habits for life in Canada – Canadian Immigrant Magazine
- Article: How do I choose a Family Doctor? –
Updated: November 13, 2020
Would you add anything to this list? Please let us know!