


Let me introduce you to our archnemesis "Underemployment" Underemployment robs everyone It robs you from getting a better paycheque. With a better paycheque, you pay more taxes, therefore underemployment robs the government and our communities. With a better paycheque you buy more things, save and invest, therefore underemployment robs our economy and our future. It is time we stop this. That is why Abolishing underemployment is our quest. Let's enrich Canada by accelerating professional success Together and united we can achieve this. We are a professional, diverse community. We exist to help others build a career in Canada through [...]

Our WHY2021-01-02T15:53:10-05:00

What our logo represents


Our logo is a representation of what inspires us, what we do, and who we are. The U of Unstoppable is in the shape of a smile because we are a welcoming community that is passionate about social responsibility and positive impact. The M of Me surrounding the U symbolizes the support we provide through our mentorship and network as a learning centre. The dots are similar to two people together at the same level because we promote inclusion, equality, empowerment, and accountability in everything we do. All of these to Inspire Potential and Empower Transformation. Interested in more, read about:  [...]

What our logo represents2020-12-05T09:11:44-05:00

From coffee company CEO to coffee server – one newcomer’s journey


by Daniel Kim | Nov 26, 2018 | News and Updates The majority of Canadian newcomers are highly skilled, educated, and come with years of experience as working professionals. But as indicated in our “State of Immigrant Inclusion in the Greater Toronto Area Labour Market” report, unemployment and underemployment is a persistent challenge. Newcomers are forced to often take on survival jobs that are well below their skills, experience, and expertise, just to make ends meet. One of them was a man named Miguel Abascal who immigrated to Canada from Mexico. Below is his story. It’s the year 2010 and I’m the CEO of [...]

From coffee company CEO to coffee server – one newcomer’s journey2021-01-02T15:23:15-05:00
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