
Webinars by Café New Canadians


When the lockdown due to COVID-19 started, our partners at NewCanadiansTV started organizing live webinars in a series called Café New Canadians. The idea is to broadcast virtual chats packed with expert tips, information, and resources on how to best utilize your time at home. Guest speakers are subject matter experts and successful immigrants with inspiring stories who have lots to share – from boosting productivity when working from home to upskilling for that dream job, acing video interviews to virtual networking 101, and exploring Canada as a newcomer while staying indoors. The Founder of UnstoppableMe, Miguel Abascal, and the [...]

Webinars by Café New Canadians2020-06-14T23:46:35-04:00

Newcomer to Canada? Here’s some advice for you – PART 2


In PART 1 we described some basic aspects of getting acquainted with the Canadian culture and job market. In this portion we'll dig a little deeper on different things you can do to get a job in Canada. There's no magic formula, but these actions will definitely help! General advice on job hunting Recognize that looking for a job takes a lot of hard work... looking for a job is a full-time job. It takes time and therefore patience. Develop a clear idea of what your dream job is and what you really want to achieve professionally. What are your [...]

Newcomer to Canada? Here’s some advice for you – PART 22019-12-24T15:32:52-05:00

Webinar: Debunking the ‘No Canadian Experience’ Myth


The concept of ‘No Canadian experience’ is a myth perpetuated by those who know you will admit it and then walk away. The next time you hear such a statement, counter that notion with solid reasons why employers could benefit from the diverse skills and talents you have as well the value of your international experience. This webinar helps you identify strategies to overcome your lack of Canadian experience. It focuses on the value you will bring to employers and why your international experience is a competitive advantage. It offers insights on how to refocus your resume, cover letter, and [...]

Webinar: Debunking the ‘No Canadian Experience’ Myth2019-12-10T11:11:17-05:00

Newcomer to Canada? Here’s some advice for you – PART 1


This text was originally written by an immigrant from India. We adapted it to include views for anyone preparing to come to Canada in the next few months, or who has recently landed. Please note that the advice is mainly for people who come to English-speaking provinces, especially when we talk about Language and Communication. As you know, both English and French are official languages, so Canada has two distinct societies, the English-speaking and the French-speaking. French Canadians, and especially the Québécois (citizens of Quebec) have a very strong sense of cultural identity. On the other hand, the English-speaking Canada [...]

Newcomer to Canada? Here’s some advice for you – PART 12019-12-09T22:29:06-05:00

Spring-Summer Activities 2018


Finally the warm weather is here to stay, so we thought of organizing activities to get out of the house! When landing in a new country it's hard to develop new relationships and most people don't know where to start. Even if you have been living in Canada for quite some time, or all your life, it's always refreshing to meet new people. Your personal network is not just the people you meet through work, but also the people with whom you interact in casual settings. We would like to help this process by offering some informal activities that are [...]

Spring-Summer Activities 20182019-12-09T22:49:13-05:00
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