Inspired & Powered by
Resilient & Unstoppable People
We are a group of awesome volunteers with a wide range of experiences, open to share and help newcomers find their dream job faster.
Our Partners
What our logo represents
Our logo is a representation of what inspires us, what we do and who we are.
- The U of Unstoppable is in the shape of a smile because we are a welcoming community that is passionate about social responsibility and positive impact.
- The M of Me surrounding the U symbolizes the support we provide through our mentorship and network as a learning centre.
- The dots are similar to two people together at the same level because we promote inclusion, equality, empowerment and accountability in everything we do.
All of these will Empower your Transformation!
Some cool stats
Popular Programs
Group Mentoring
A Mentor works with a group of 2-4 Mentees to provide guidance in their job search in Toronto/GTA. Each [...] Admin2020-11-13T17:15:49-05:00
Toastmasters Club
In March 2019 we started Unstoppable Xpeakers, a Toastmasters Club in Downtown Toronto, in partnership with Exatec Ontario. Toastmasters International is a non-profit [...] Admin2020-12-17T12:02:11-05:00 Admin2020-11-22T20:15:23-05:00
Pre-Arrival Services Canada InfoNet
Delivered by JVS Toronto About Canada InfoNet Start preparing for employment before arriving in Canada! Canada InfoNet is a free [...]